The noose is tightening…

I’m always skeptical when it comes to a major politician going to jail for his or her crimes.  We’ve watched the past three Presidents commit treason repeatedly but all are wealthy and free.  Not to mention numerous congressman and senators who have gotten away with multiple felonies.

But the wiretapping scandal with Trump… this may have legs.  It seems to be quietly, slowly but steadily building.

Trump has the evidence…

…or he never would have publicly accused the Obama Administration of surveilling him.  Now, the deranged anti-Trumpers won’t believe this statement because they choose to believe that Trump is some kind of imbecile who is a slave to his animal impulses (and don’t forget, a Russian puppet).

This picture of Trump is convenient to them because in their minds, it means they don’t have to actually engage on issues or articulate an intelligent critique of Trump’s policies and actions.  It also makes them feel better about the felon that they chose to vote for.  But the reality is that Trump has a brilliant mind and just like I said a couple of weeks ago, he’s letting this all play out very publicly so that he can gain the maximum amount of benefit when the evidence is finally revealed to the public.

CIA Officer Shaffer: Trump Wiretap Case ‘Worse Than Watergate’

Former CIA officer Col. Tony Shaffer said the basics of President Trump’s claim to have been “wiretapped” are likely true, and that the incident is “worse than Watergate.”

Noting it has been exactly two weeks since Trump tweeted that President Obama wiretapped his namesake tower, Shaffer said the “basic fundamental idea and claim is true.”

He said that Trump was not physically wiretapped, with a wire into his phone, and it may not have physically been Trump Tower, but his campaign apparatus instead.

Shaffer said that due to the simplicity required to “mask” an American’s name during an incidental wiretap, that the leak of Gen. Michael Flynn’s name was “accidental on purpose.”

“Clearly they were after gossip because it was political,” Shaffer said, maintaining that the alleged wiretap had nothing to do with Russia.

The “political appointees” in the intelligence community knew exactly what they were surveilling for, Shaffer said, adding that the case is “much worse than Watergate by an order of magnitude.”

He said that even if the surveillance was done legally, the “unmasking” of Americans’ names and the leaking of the information are felonies.

If you’re not familiar with Bill Binney…

…you should be.  I’ve talked about him before on this blog but not as often as I should, especially since he’s been so forthcoming with information since the Vault7 WikiLeaks release.

At one time, Binney was the top technical guy at NSA.  He’s a genius and a patriot.  He resigned in 2001 after the NSA disregarded his algorithm that would allow for mass surveillance but ensure citizen’s privacy.  He then came out as a whistleblower to little or no fanfare.

Binney is the OG intelligence agency whistleblower.  He makes Snowden look like a bitch.  After researching Binney, you’ll likely say to yourself:  “Wow, Binney’s testimony is far more explosive than Snowden’s and Binney was much, much higher up the IA chain than Snowden.  Why did the Media make such a big deal out of Snowden and completely ignored Bill Binney?’.   That’s an excellent question.  I would suggest pondering that question at length and think about what that says about Snowden’s authenticity.

But I digress.  Check out Binney’s interview last night with Tucker Carlson:

NSA WhistleBlower Bill Binney to Tucker Carlson: NSA Spying on All Branches of Government (VIDEO) – Gateway Pundit


The Uniparty strikes again..

While everyone is talking about Paul Ryan’s pathetic attempt to replace the ACA with something even more friendly to insurance companies, a very important story was missed.

Republicans in the Senate think that it’s okay for ISPs to sell your browsing history to the highest bidder:

US Senate votes 50-48 to do away with broadband privacy rules; let ISPs and telecoms to sell your internet history – Privacy News Online

Despite widespread disapproval from constituents, S.J.Res 34 has passed the United States Senate with a vote of 50-48, with two absent votes. Earlier today, at 12:25 Eastern March 23, 2017, the US Senate voted on S.J.Res 34, and will use the Congressional Review Act to strip away broadband privacy protections that kept Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and telecoms from selling your internet history and app data usage to third parties. S.J.Res 34 was first introduced by 23 Republican Senators earlier this month and its blitz approval is a giant blow to privacy rights in the United States.

The resolution, which is now effectively half passed, will hand responsibility of broadband privacy regulation from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and disallow the FCC from making any rules protecting Internet privacy ever again.

Call/email/tweet your representative and tell them that you’re against this bill.  We’re not giving yet another bit of privacy away.

The House Intelligence Committee chairman states…

…that Donald Trump and his staff was indeed surveilled (although he keeps slowly creeping back from the ledge on that claim due to what I assume is some very unfriendly pressure from IA members) and that the FBI is not cooperating with Congress’ investigation.

If you’re major news paper in the Fake News Media, do you:

A) Ask the pertinent questions about the surveillance: “Who ordered it?” “Why was it ordered?”  “When was it ordered?”

B) Try to get more information on why the FBI is not cooperating:  “Has the FBI stated that they will not assist or are they just not responding to your letter?”  “Who did you contact within the FBI?”  “Have you spoken directly to Director Comey?”

C) Attack the House Intelligence Committee chairman.

The sad, pathetic propaganda outlet known as the Washington Post went with option “C”:

Nunes’s grandstanding proves he can’t lead the Russia investigation – Washington Post (Fake News entity)

So to the WashPo:

Your owner has a $600 million dollar contract with the CIA.  Half of your staff are CIA project mockingbird assets.  Fuck you and fuck off.

Roger Stone…

Trolls the media on their false claims of contact between he and WikiLeaks:

While Goodman rightly believes the Democrats are making themselves look like fools in going after Stone, he does believe that Stone is lying about contact with WikiLeaks.

He may be correct, I do not know.  What I do know is that it’s extremely unlikely that WikiLeaks could have survived to this point without assistance from a major power.  My semi-educated guess is that the white hat elements of the U.S. deep state is that power.


Alex Jones caves to the lawyers…

They screwed up initially by making accusations recklessly and now they look like a bunch of pussies.

Look, I know that Jones rubs a lot of people the wrong way.  His personality is grating and every story is “THE END OF THE GODDAMN WORLD”.   He frequently allows Israel’s deep state off the hook or omits them from discussions completely.


Jones has been correct 99% of the time.  That is a fact.  He has warned the public about the evils of government, the Deep State and secret societies for years.  And damn near every time, he is dead on.   He consistently preaches the standards of liberty, freedom, non-violence and prosperity for every gender, race and creed. 

And to you James Alefantis:  You and your operation are creepy as fuck.  Any sane, sensible person with critical-thinking skills knows that something is up with you, dude.  Millions are watching you and we won’t stop just because Alex shot his mouth off and your ex-boyfriend bought you some attorneys.


Another story that could get very big in the near future:

Freedom Watch Notifies Congress of “Deep State” Intelligence Whistle-Blower – full pdf… – Conservative Treehouse

Freedom Watch notifies congress of a “Deep State” intelligence community whistle blower, Dennis Montgomery, with hundreds of millions of documents showing CIA and FBI and Intelligence Committees were spying on, and conducting surveillance on, American citizens for political purposes.

Mr. Montgomery is trying to use a legal “whistle-blower” process and not follow the same approach as Edward Snowden.

Make sure you read this one.