Embassy cover up.

I posted previously that the violence and death at our Embassy in Libya was an orchestrated event that went bad.  Corroborating evidence is now slowly coming to the surface:


Revolt of the Spooks – Freebeacon.com


Key sections:

Officials with access to intelligence reports, based on both technical spying and human agents, said specific reporting revealed an alarming surge in clandestine al Qaeda activity months before the attack in Benghazi.

Yet the Obama administration sought to keep the information from becoming public to avoid exposing what the officials say is a Middle East policy failure by Obama.


Officials said that the administration appeared to engage in a disinformation campaign aimed at distancing the president personally during the peak of the presidential election campaign from the disaster in Benghazi, where numerous warning of an attack were ignored, resulting in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other officials.


“The Obama Administration is afraid to admit al Qaeda is running rampant throughout the region because it would expose the truth instead of what President Obama so pompously spouted during the Democratic Convention” said the official.

The president said during his nomination acceptance speech that “al Qaeda is on the path to defeat,” an assertion contradicted by the group’s rise in the region.


Now, things go much deeper than this.  I doubt we’ll ever see them come to light in the press.  But the first layer of the cover up has been quickly exposed.  Read the whole article.  This is an example of members of this Administration (Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, Barack Obama, Ambassador Rice) looking into the camera, out at the American people and repeatedly lying directly to our collective faces.

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